Drawn to the Universe
FEB 2010 - Mars

Mars is making its closest approach of 2010 on January 27. The red planet can be challenging to observe, but sketching your observations will help you get the most from the view at the eyepiece. In the February issue of Astronomy Now, we cover methods you can use to sketch Mars.

Issue:February 2010 Astronomy Now
Basic Media:Graphite on artist grade paper.
Featured Technique:Creating contour field sketches with a value diagram to quickly render features, then using these to create a refined sketch later under controlled conditions. Sidebar suggests experimenting with color techniques as well.
Suggested Materials:
  • Observing forms or white paper with pre-drawn circles 50 mm in diameter
  • Acid free drawing paper for the final drawing
  • HB, 2B, and optional 9B graphite pencils
  • Blending stump and artist's chamois
  • White vinyl eraser and putty rubber
  • Clipboard and portable observing light
Sketch of the Mars

Sketch of Mars - CM 265°

Click image to view larger version.

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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Jeremy Perez published on January 25, 2010 10:03 PM.

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Starset at Sunset Crater National Monument - JAN 15, 2010 is the next entry in this blog.

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