July 2009 Archives

Sketch of Jupiter, Callisto, Impact Scar and Shadow TransitClick image to view larger version. Observation Notes: Jupiter put on a great show tonight! The impact feature is still hanging on and was readily visible through my 8 inch Dob at 120X and 240X. The best part was the addition of...
Sketch of Jupiter with Impact ScarClick image to view larger version. Observation Notes: On July 19, 2009, amateur astronomer and planetary imager, Anthony Wesley discovered a striking new feature on Jupiter. A dark spot had suddenly appeared in the south polar region. Although it might have been a new weather...
The August issue of Astronomy Now is available. The rich, open cluster NGC 6940 is featured in this column where we take a look at basic methods for scanning and inverting your black on white sketches to convert them to white on black positives. Subject:NGC 6940 Issue:August 2009 Astronomy Now...
The July issue of Astronomy Now is available. In the column this month, we visit Barnard 142 & 143, (Barnard's E, or the Triple Cave Nebula). Subject:Barnard 142 & 143 Issue:July 2009 Astronomy Now Basic Media:Charcoal and graphite on artist grade paper. Featured Technique:Use of charcoal, artist's chamois, plastic eraser...
Photograph of Columbia Scientific Balloon AssemblyJune 11, 2009 - 8:42 PM MSTClick image to view larger version. One evening, earlier in June I read an email alert that a scientific balloon was crossing central Arizona. I ran outside with my family to check it out. To the naked eye, it...

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