Drawn to the Universe
DECEMBER 2010 - Twilight Conjunction

Sketch of Twilight Lunar-Planetary Conjunction

Sketch of Twilight Lunar-Planetary Conjunction - AUG 13, 2010

Move mouse over sketch above to view labels.
Click image for larger version.


Conjunction Sketch by Carlos Hernandez
Digital conjunction sketch by Carlos Hernandez included in the column
Waning Crescent Moon, Venus and Jupiter on April 22, 2009 (09:30 U.T.)
December 2010 Astronomy Now thumbnail
Subject:Twilight Planetary Conjunction
Issue:December 2010 Astronomy Now
Basic Media:Pastel and charcoal on black paper
Featured Technique:Using color pastel and charcoal on black stock to capture a twilight lunar-planetary conjunction.
Suggested Sketching Materials:
  • Black card stock
  • Soft pastel sticks in a selection of twilight colors
  • White and colored pastel pencils in a selection of typical star colors
  • Charcoal pencil
  • White, fine point marker
  • Plastic circle template
  • Blending stump and artist's chamois or tissue paper
  • Sanding block
  • White vinyl eraser
  • Sheet of blank copy paper (for resting your hand and protecting the pastel surface)
  • Acid free artist masking tape
  • Spray fixative
  • Clipboard and observing light


WOW! A beautiful piece of artwork Jeremy. Thanks for sharing the view :)


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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Jeremy Perez published on December 8, 2010 11:30 PM.

Drawn to the UniverseNOVEMBER 2010 - NGC 663 was the previous entry in this blog.

Drawn to the UniverseJANUARY 2011 - Messier 42/43Sky Quality Comparison is the next entry in this blog.

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